Saturday, February 11, 2017

Global Warming, End of Days, or Nibiru?

Uneasy days & sleepless nights. This seems to be standard fare for many people these days.

America has a crazy new government composed of billionaires, military & white supremacist statesmen.  Every day new laws are passed to curtail the liberties we've cherished. There's proposed ban of Muslims, deportation of Mexicans, silencing of all branches of science, discrediting media, & an avalanche of lies, or alternative facts (alt-facts).

On top of this we have climate change, global warming. Daily reports of earthquakes, cracks in the earth, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, drought, fire storms, mud slides, hurricanes, cyclones...coming from all around the globe.

Religious evangelicals call this the End of Days. Scientists mark it as Climate Change due to Global Warming. Some talk of the planet Nibiru, or Nostradamus. I aver that it is all of these things.

Religious evangelicals put all of this down to the End of Days written in the Bible's Book of Revelations. It certainly seems to be hitting the mark on all these things. Those who are not religious, dismiss this as fanatical mania.

But some who are not religious, look on the Bible as a written history of oral myths interspersed with facts. Let's think about myths.  I've long held that some of these had a basis of fact in our distant past.  I do not believe that we only came into being 6,000 - 8,000 years ago. Man has existed on this planet for much longer, according to science. Could it be that something happened 6,000 - 8,000 years ago that causes belief of a new beginning?

Paper documents don't last. Computer discs can disintegrate. But things written in stone & found above sea level can still be read. If we have the knowledge to understand their meaning accurately. Most of us don't have the knowledge, & some of us boo the people who do.

I believe that at regular intervals in earth's history, our planet has gone through cataclysmic, planet-changing events. However, the span of years between these events is so great that people forget prior happenings. Why, because when the global disasters occurred, major populations were wiped out & our people were plunged into dark ages. Imagine this happening many times. Atlantis is thought a myth, but oral stories of have been passed down. Our Atlantic Ocean, an interesting name choice.

The Christian biblical flood of Noah. Tales of earlier floods carved into stone. More interesting points for you to research.

But let me get to the crux of my story...starting with a question.  When has our government ever warned its citizens in a timely fashion?  When has it ever given us enough time to prepare for major disasters?  Think about that for a little while.

In the 1980s, President Reagan squelched the knowledge of a new planet. The bible calls it Wormwood, others Nibiru, or Planet X. But before the news blackout occurred, astro-physicists had already happily recorded their findings & it got into America's papers. NASA photos have been photo-shopped to erase it from our view. Even the Vatican has gotten into the cover-up.

It's just crazy talk that all major governments would perpetrate this hoax on their citizens...right?

Nevertheless, if you have a clear view of the horizon at sunrise or sunset, we can all see the planet Nibiru.  It comes up & goes down a few moments after the sun. We can easily see it now.  Don't believe can go & look for yourself.  It's a small planet next to the sun. Now a days they're flying chem trails, during the day to mask it from our view.  Are you going to tell me you haven't noticed a multitude of chem trails in the sky? Well, they can hide it during the daytime, but sunrise & sunset is a different story.

Now why wouldn't our government tell us anything about this? Nibiru's gravitational pull is the cause of all the natural disasters, which I mentioned in the beginning.

Because this is not a meteorite to be blasted out of existence. This is a planet in its natural orbit going through our solar system.  Governments can't prevent it, they can only try to persevere & survive it.

How do governments survive it? They build many bunkers in strategic locations, each able to house thousands of people for several years below the surface.  Denver, Colorado is one location. The news has told us that the CIA is readying for its move to their new Colorado headquarters. That's the only government agency of which they'll let us know.

Now who are the thousands of people? Billionaires who can afford to add to the cost of the enterprise, scientists, doctors, etc with the knowledge to impart to future generations. So that man doesn't enter into one of its new dark ages again.  We're running a race, falling down & going back to the starting line, over & over again. This time major world governments plan to get to a successful finish line.

The rest of us. We have to try to survive & most of us won't. We haven't prepared. There's no more time. Most of us can't just get up & go. We haven't the money nor the means. We all remember Hurricane Katrina & all the people trapped in New Orleans. We, the little people, average citizens (Let me include in here, all people of color. White Supremacists are ecstatic!) are going to be as those trapped in New Orleans, only on a massive global scale.

Now why aren't the governments telling us? It's because they can't help us & don't want to cause mass hysteria. They want us to keep on working up to the last minute, paying our bills, buying their products. We're the sad sheep, Nibiru has become the wolf in our midst, & our leaders the shepherd scurrying for safety. Soon they'll call our Protests, violent Civil Unrest & call for Military control, curfews, rationing.  Ask your grandparents about World War II & Viet Nam.

What am I doing about this? I'm telling you & hoping some of you won't think that I'm so crazy that you dismiss it out of your mind. Your can research & read, twitter #Nibiru & #Planet X, do the same on YouTube. Some will sound crazy or seem like money-making schemes. But in almost all of them is that kernel of truth. Research, Read & Survive, if you can.

I'm on the East Coast. Trapped because I have an older husband, who's very ill with Stage 4 Cancer. He didn't believe in rising sea levels, or strengthening hurricanes; so I almost lost him along with our island house in Hurricane Sandy, when he refused to evacuate. He definitely won't pay attention to this. I can't leave without him now, so I must stay. But it's all worthwhile, if just one of you pays attention. Please spread the word.

One excellent YouTube video is Nibiru Planet X prepare for 2017 [ disclosure files] via

It's a sensible, logical video, & prepared by a wonderful man,which you must take time to watch. It will tell you of the current sequence of events, areas in American hardest hit, & what you must do to prepare. You don't have much time left to get ready, these things will come to pass before the fall 2017.

If you don't want to believe any of the above, at least look to your horizon at sunrise & sunset. Nibiru is that little plant right next to the sun.

God bless & keep you all.  May you persevere & survive for the sake of your children's children.

You can reach me via Twitter Jules @JuliaChavis

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Strange Days

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Never the less, she persisted." - Senator Mitch McConnell

My usual voice sounds out in Twitter, but the limitation of 140 characters has now forced me to speak out in another venue.

"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Never the less, she persisted." - Senator Mitch McConnell, referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren, when he caused her voice to be silenced on the Senate floor yesterday.  I was horrified to hear him speak those words.  What prompted his action?  Sen. Warren was reading the words of Coretta Scot King, widow of Rev. Martin Luther King.  Mrs. King's words spoke out against Sen. Jeff Sessions, who has now been confirmed as our country's new Attorney General. 

Sen. McConnell's words may just become our new battle cry.  Enough is enough, this man has forced another to hush up & stop speaking. In essence, we don't need to hear your voice, you're only a woman. This is the way I heard it, or felt what he was truly saying, when he silenced her. 

Sen. McConnell may well hear his words repeated many times in the coming days.

So many things are happening these days. All of them unprecedented, unexpected & accomplished much too quickly. 

But of this I am sure, I'm tired of old, Anglo-Saxon men.  I don't like what they're doing to my country, my laws, my liberty, & my rights as a woman.

We have a new President, Donald J. Trump.  A man put in office via the Electoral College, even though he arrived there with the minority vote of the American people. Out voted by almost 3 million, but still he's sitting there in the White House.

Whispering in his ear is Steve Bannon, a known White Supremacist & fervent fan of the teachings of Lenin. This is the evil power behind the throne, stroking our President's vanity, applauding & supporting him in the worst of actions.

Not yet a month in office, POTUS Trump is daily grinding out new laws that threaten our Democracy. Behind the scenes, or in blatent view, he is trying to change our country into an Autocracy.  Who are the heroes of the POTUS? The leaders of Russia, North Korea, & the Phillipines are touted as strong & admirable men. They are also detestible dictators, murdering all dissenting voices, silencing the media, & ruling with iron fists. The economy of these countries, well, the people are poor & in the case of North Korea, often starving. Yet these are men that Trump admires. 

Now some of the men that Trump has placed into high positions: Steve Bannon - Presidential Advisor, Jeff Sessions - Attorney General, Chuck Cooper - Solicitor General. All of them old, white, bigoted, homophobic, & wanting to take women back to the time when we were not allowed a voice. They'd be delighted to put & keep us back into the kitchen, barefoot & pregnant.

As I said, I'm tired, but I'm also sick of what's happening. So I'll just have to shout out from these pages.

Long ago Shakespeare wrote, "...she may be little, but she is fierce."  

You can reach me via Twitter Jules @JuliaChavis